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Step into who you truly are and live the life you’ve imagined.

Airi Negin Kato

Hi, I'm Airi

Founder of ANK Pro Coaching


This is my Story

Growing up across continents, I often found myself observing and adapting to figure my way around. I learned a lot about what it takes to foster authentic connection in the face of cultural differences and linguistic challenges.

I learned that effective communication goes beyond fluency; I learned that at the root of connection and meaningful communication is a humble human with the readiness to listen, make mistakes, iterate, adapt, and courageously show up even when the going gets tough.

It was during a reflective moment in my career that I discovered my passion for empowering others to realize their full potential and drive lasting change. Drawing from my own evolution - from overcoming language barriers to navigating leadership roles - I embarked on a learning journey to study and understand the neuroscience of motivation, learning, and change to facilitate lasting growth and transformation.

Today, as a dedicated professional coach, I am privileged to guide ESL professionals on a transformative journey to unearth their authentic voice and cultivate meaningful connections so they can excel in their professional careers and personal lives.

It’s a journey of perpetual discovery that continues to inspire growth and transformation in both my clients and myself.

Reach your potential with me

Find the resources that are right for you.

Take a self-guided journey to develop a specific communications skill.
Coming soon
Dive deep into your English communications development with personalized guidance.
Schedule a 1:1 call

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